Well if there's no road... It is never allowed. sorry
I can tell you what it's not if you're having trouble understanding parallel structure...
"I think I will make a good president because I am honest, trustworthy, and I’m behaving responsibly.<span>"
If this was using parallel structure, it would be "...</span>because I am honest, trustworthy, and responsible."
"<span>I have many plans for the student council, such as making the council more organized, to ensure everyone has a voice, and I’ll be managing meetings more efficiently."
</span>For this, it'd have to be, "...such as making the council more organized, ensuring everyone has a voice, managing meetings more efficiently."
I'm not sure which sentence it actually is though. It's possible it's the last sentence.
I know it’s positive idk why either
I am not sure but I think it is true because if you look up in a book that it is asking this question it should have text evidence and it should tell you some facts about it
He want's the Kings’s complete attention and he is afraid of someone pointing out the error of his false accusations.