Answer:Chief Justice Earl Warren Associate Justices Hugo Black · Stanley F. Reed Felix Frankfurter · William O. Douglas Robert H. Jackson · Harold H. Burton Tom C. Clark · Sherman Minton
It is A ( separation of powers)
hope this helped out!
The foreign policy model that features two countries that are in conflict with each other is what is known as a bipolar structure of international power.
A bipolar structure of international power can be described as a structure whereby the two countries that are involved have a lot of economic, political, cultural and international influence.
Due to the influence that both sides have they are able to control their regions and also other international regions.
The assimilation of Native Americans was a goal of the federal government.
During the late 1800's, the federal government had the goal of assimilating Native Americans into mainstream America. In this case, the government wanted Native Americans to act more like white farmers (which made up a majority of America). This resulted in several different laws and policies that would help enforce this idea. This includes the Dawes Act and the creation of Indian Boarding Schools.
Indian Boarding Schools were schools were Native American kids were sent to learn more about the English language, American culture, etc. Unfortunately, this system had many negative effects as it resulted in the destruction of some Native American cultures and languages.
Honor is defined as a intangible asset that determines how other treat you
It still exists till today and it’s a very easy thing to lose, like all things, it’s hard to get back
I’d define it as a useless thing that should be discarded before people kill each other (more than they already do)