Assuming the data was encrypted with YOUR public key, you'll need YOUR private key to decrypt it. That's answer e.
a and b are not solutions by themselves, of course you need to use the decryption algorithm, but a key goes with it.
c would be about symmetric encryption, but this is asymmetric, so different keys are used for encryption and decryption
d is possible, but it would mean anyone can decrypt it (after all the key is public), so then there's no point in encrypting it in the first place.
So e is the only logical answer.
see explaination
//selective dev elements by id name
var gradeA = document.querySelector("#GradeA");
var passing = document.querySelector("#Passing");
var learning = document.querySelector("#Learning");
//function showGrades
function showGrades() {
var arr = [];
//converting string to int and inserting into array
arr[0] = parseInt(gradeA.textContent);
arr[1] = parseInt(passing.textContent);
arr[2] = parseInt(learning.textContent);
//creating json blob
var blob = new Blob(new Array(arr), {type:"text/json"});
return blob;
2. A data modelling project using a packaged data model REQUIRES A GREATER SKILL than a project not using a packaged data model.
1a. Review of universal models:
A data model is an abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate to one another and to the properties of real world entities. It has become the standard approach used towards designing databases.
A universal data model is a template data model that can be reused as a starting point or a building block to jump-start development of a data modelling project, industry specific model, logical data models.
1b. Discuss how these are being used more widely today.
*Universal data models helps professional reduce development time, improve consistency and standardization while achieving high quality models.
*Higher quality: just as architects consider blue prints before constructing a building, one should also consider data before building an app. A data model helps define the problem, enabling one to consider different approaches and choose best ones.
*By properly modelling and organization's data, the database designer can eliminate data redundancies (needless repetitions) which are a key source for inaccurate information and ineffective systems.
2. Greater and advanced skills are adequate and required when data modelling project is done using packaged data model while fewer skills are required when data modelling is done without packaged data model.
See explaination
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Fill in the code to define payfile as an input file
ifstream payfile;
float gross;
float net;
float hours;
float payRate;
float stateTax;
float fedTax;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << showpoint;
// Fill in the code to open payfile and attach it to the physical file
// named payroll.dat"payroll.dat");
// Fill in code to write a conditional statement to check if payfile
// does not exist.
cout << "Error opening file. \n";
cout << "It may not exist where indicated" << endl;
return 1;
ofstream outfile("pay.out");
cout << "Payrate Hours Gross Pay Net Pay"
<< endl << endl;
outfile << "Payrate Hours Gross Pay Net Pay"
<< endl << endl;
// Fill in code to prime the read for the payfile file.
payfile >> hours;
// Fill in code to write a loop condition to run while payfile has more
// data to process.
payfile >> payRate >> stateTax >> fedTax;
gross = payRate * hours;
net = gross - (gross * stateTax) - (gross * fedTax);
cout << payRate << setw(15) << hours << setw(12) << gross
<< setw(12) << net << endl;
outfile << payRate << setw(15) << hours << setw(12) << gross
<< setw(12) << net << endl;
payfile >> hours ;// Fill in the code to finish this with the appropriate
// variable to be input
return 0;
<em>The ROE in plain terms is called the return on equity (ROE) is a measure of inflow of profit in business in relation to the equity, also known as assets net worth or assets of liabilities ROE is a method of how l company generate earnings through investment </em>
<em>The ROE in plain terms is called the return on equity (ROE) is a measure of inflow of profit in business in relation to the equity, also known as assets net worth or assets of liabilities ROE is a method of how l company generate earnings through investment </em>
<em>The ROE range number can be of any value or percentage example 15% upwards</em>
<em>The type of person or position with roles to play are usually a professional, such as an accountant, bookkeeper, or payroll processor, who completes ROEs on behalf of your clients in the organisation.</em>