In first iteration value of num is 10. Condition is checked 10 is less than 21 so value of num is incremented by 5 and value 15 is printed than again condition is checked 15<21 so value of num is incremented again and 20 is printed. Again condition is checked 20<21. So 25 is printed. Then 4th time when condition is checked vakue of num is 25 and while loop condition becomes false because 25 is not less than 21 and program is terminated here.
A stores code for later re-use
To find - What is the purpose of saving code snippets?
Solution -
Code Snippet" is used to describe a small portion of re-usable source code, machine code, or text.
They allow a programmer to avoid typing repetitive code during the course of routine programming.
The correct option is - A stores code for later re-use
Broken bones cost more, because hospital bills are a lot more than to get a computer fixed.
Ram/cpu/gpu... Many many things she can do
It may be a issue of internet bandwith, if this new game requires a insane ammount of internet then it may run low FPS (frames per second) and make myra's game look slughish,but anouther issue may be the ram or cpu, like if this is a new game and you've always played like simple games, so your running on persay a core i3 or i4, it aint gonna cut it on a newer game, you gonna need a probably core i5 or i7, or be like any sane person and switch to amd, it may be a bit pricy but if you want nice clean gaming, then amd is the way to go
Also while you are at it get a ssd
I hope this helps "-"
Usually when you encounter the problem you see the error code number "0019" for an invalid bank account or routing transit numbers.
Accounting information is the subject to which this is categorized. As soon as the IRS or (Internal Revenue Service) suspects any error, it will deny the return immediately.