Declaration of Independence
In colonial New England, King Philip's War begins when a band of Wampanoag warriors raid the border settlement of Swansea, Massachusetts, and massacre the English colonists there. ... In early 1676, the Narragansett were defeated and their chief killed, while the Wampanoag and their other allies were gradually subdued.
in the answer
One of the two major goals that the National Organization for Women worked toward when it was first founded was getting the federal government to actually enforce the new anti-discrimination laws that were supposed to be helping women.
9/11 Commission - <span>National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States; this bipartisan, independent group was authorized by Congress and President Bush in 2002 to study the circumstances surrounding the September 11 terrorist attacks, including preparedness and the immediate response. It's 2004 report includes recommendations designed to guard against future attacks</span>