both could be correct
It usually depends on how fast or how severe the change is, if its mild or happenes slowly over time they may adapt, if it is extreame or happenes very quickly the species could very well die out.
I think it'd be change in allele frequencies & microevolution.
Nowadays, if a cell cannot express the AURKA gene, malignant neoplasms or cellular malignancies can be generated.
since it is related to the KRAS gene.
There is some scientific evidence or research that maintains that FOSL1 acts on another gene, AURKA, whose expression to date was thought to be independently regulated by the KRAS oncogene, and for which clinical trials are currently underway with a drug that inhibits it. .
Aurora kinase A also known as serine / threonine-protein kinase 6 is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the AURKA gene.
Fungi are unicellular or multicellular eukaryotic organisms that are dependent for their energy and food on dead organic material or other organisms. These organisms produce by both sexual and asexual reproduction.
1. club fungi show a bipolar mating system as they have positive and negative mating strands.
2. sac fungi have an erect fruiting body filled with asci.
3. The chytrids have a cell wall of chitin, a flagellum, absorptive structures for nutrition therefore have a lineage.
4. The common molds grow in the form of hyphae and shows all for of nutrition and live in every possible habitate.