The verb, ser, is in the singular el/ella/usted tense, meaning that the subject is only one person or thing. This eliminates the two middle choices, as they are multiple people.
Next, the adjective. Alto is in the masculine form, so Maria, as it is a girl name, is also able to be eliminated.
The correct answer would be Tomas.
B. Se lastimo
A means more than one person is present and got hurt. C means someone hurt here and D means I hurt myself, which doesn't make sense if you put that in the blank.
reactants </h2>
✅ The substances that go into a chemical reaction are called the reactants, and the substances produced at the end of the reaction are known as the products.
La historia es cómo un camello quería entrar en la tienda, pero el arte se dio cuenta de que estaba pidiendo más y más en lugar de complacerlo. la moraleja de la historia es no dar siempre lo que la gente quiere porque en algún momento se aprovecharán de ti. Otra lección podría ser no confiar en las personas o no hacer promesas que en realidad no puedas cumplir.e