Look at the “Why Say Yes / Why Say No” section of the article. Consider which side you agree more with. Were there other details
in the article that could be considered pros and cons? Identify one more pro and one con from the rest of the article and add each to the list. Which side do you think is more persuasive? Explain your position. Your answer should be one paragraph. Submit your response in the box below. owschools.com/media/o_rla06_ccss_2016/5/to_gmo_or_not_to_gmo.pdf
Look at the article. Consider which side you agree more with. Were there other details in the article that could be considered pros and cons? Identify one more pro and one con from the rest of the article and add each to the list.
Definitely c because you can do the process trial and error so which one you think is definitely wrong and which one is a possibility so she wants to distract them to probably get away from the queen of hearts