The reaction of the second chimpanzee after he watches that the first one found food reward inside a box is called d) "observational learning"
Observational learning is a form of social learning in which a subject observed a result after another subject presented a singular behavior which granted him a reward the observing individual would like to get.
In humans, this type of learning happens with almost no direct reinforcement, but with a social indirect reward after watching someone the observing individual considers as a "model" performing the behavior to imitate it. It is a very common way children learn and how they start to interact with the world.
It was in Salem, New Jersey in 1675. Hope this helps :)
European immigrants who fled mistreatment didn't even recognize their influence on American Indian enslavement.
- Ethnocentric monoculturalism whenever an individual assumes that such ethnicity, the whites group, in particular, is genetically inferior, and therefore this dominant organization's behavior should be placed on those other racial groups including communities.
- Whiteness as well as ethnocentric monoculturalism constitute strong and strengthened Paradigm factors that contribute. Since they are unseen and they work beyond active awareness and knowledge.
To students who : frequently multitask during learning situation
These types of student usually cannot miss anything in learning situation. His/her attention will always divided. For example, i'm sure you know someone in your lives who can listen to your teachers explanation while his hand is moving to make notes at the same time without switching from one task to another