True. Sensory cells are are cells responsible for detecting information through receptors that are found on the surface of the body. Information like sound, touch, taste, smell, and even temperature are detected through several sensory cells in the body. The skin, nose, tongue, and ears are organs of the body that are composed of several of these cells.
Gap 2 (G2): During the gap between DNA synthesis and mitosis, the cell will continue to grow and produce new proteins. At the end of this gap is another control checkpoint (G2 Checkpoint) to determine if the cell can now proceed to enter M (mitosis) and divide.
A. Oedema and ion imbalance
The proximal tubule is very important to the maintenance of homeostasis in the renal microenvironment. The alterations of the physiological functions will therefore distort the reabsorption of other ions. The blockage of sodium reabsorption into the channel will leads to an hypotonic internal environment. This will afterward leads to reduction of the reabsorption of water into the organ and increase the reabsorption of other ions into it. This will have clinical effect on the organism. Which is oedema of the extracellular surrounding of the tubules through accumulation of fluids and could lead to imbalance in neurological sense due to the imbalance in other ions.