You could use the fact that Tom Robinsons left arm was not functional and he could not use only one arm to over power this woman. it's been a few years and since then I've been reading the alternate version of the story "Go set a watchmen" multiple times so I don't remember to kill a mockingbird that we'll sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.
Answer: The sentence is in <u>passive voice.</u>
When it comes to passive constructions with modal verbs, the general rule is:
Object + modal verb (can/could/may/must/should/ought to) + be + past participle.
In this case, the object is <em>criminal defendants</em>, followed by a passive construction - <em>must</em> (modal verb) + <em>be</em> + <em>tried </em>(past participle of verb to try).
Simple multiplication:


So do you now see how they are the same? :)
<em>b) take</em>
<em>T</em><em>o </em><em>take </em><em>turns.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em>