American Indians before European contact; Part iii: Indian ... native peoples began to concentrate settlements near streams and rivers, ... 700 a.d.), an important American Indian cultural tradition known as the ... example of a mound that was at the heart of a town site built by Mississippian people.
A&M's funding helped save the University of Georgia from Bankruptcy.
The "Forcing Slavery Down the Throat of a Free Soiler" card was made in 1856 and had a strong political content. It was used to represent the Republicans' charge that the Democrats wanted to nationalize slavery by force through popular sovereignty in the West. Cartoon featured a Free-Soiler settler, attached to a platform that belonged to the Democratic party. The settler's mouth was wide open and he was prevented from closing it, as the Democrats were pulling on his hair and beard, while Senator Douglas and President Pierce pushed a slave down his throat.
The stamp act was the first interal tax levied directly american colonist by the british goverement. The tea act was that the colonist had never accepted the constitionability of the duty of tea, and the tea act rekindled their opposition to it.