By repeating the phrase, he is an honorable man.
The Strophe 2 is the speaker, saying it to the rest of the chorus, when the chorus were addressing Oedipus's fate
The addressee is Oedipus.
The significance is that the Chorus are saying that anyone who believes they are as high as the immortal gods will be punished by an inevitable fate, this follows in the wake of Oedipus's pride and haughtiness and subsequent punishment.
Oedipus let his pride stop him from listening to the truth and he was haughty all through the play, so the chorus discussed his fate.
This extract was in reference to him, telling him that the punishment for his crime of haughtiness and pride, and his assumption that he is equal to the gods is inevitable. A fate which he accepted by blinding his own eyes.
Using 1000 plants, each for an individual barrel. The plant that was poisoned will die within thirty days, that way the people will not die. Personally I don't see what's so bad about using 1000 humans as text subjected though ;)
A paragraph is a collection of sentences ranging from 3 upwards
Another word for impenetrable will be impassable