Negative campaign advertising
This is process of painting the opponent as a soft criminal, immersed in his self interest, dishonest and corrupt candidate who is going to be a danger to the nation.
"The Black Ball" is a collection of stories by Ralph Ellison. In this collection, Ellison describes the problems and tribulations that African American people experienced in the years after World War II. The collection discusses many important topics, including segregation, racism, the divisions that existed between Americans of different races, etc.
Literary works of this kind were extremely important in the period after World War II. After the war, African Americans began to fight for equality and representation in a more systematic way. Their contributions during the war years exemplified the importance of their role in society and the need for equality. These works became significant because they illustrated how unique African American experiences were. They became a catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement that would take place in the 1950s and 1960s.
The theme highlighted in the mentioned excerpt would be perseverance.
The excerpt tells of Rainsford's courageous act of braving the sea to go to the direction of the shots despite of the harsh conditions at the sea. This is evidenced by the phrase "he fought the sea".
The term "doggedly" also describes a persistent pursuit which was what Rainsford showed. He showed perseverance in his actions.
yes i know it correct good job