The correct answer is: divided Congress.
In a divided Congress, one party will control one house while another party will control the other house.
Currently, the Democrats control the House and the Republicans control the Senate.
French and Indian war (also known as the seven years war), led tensions between the 13 colonies and Britian. This is because in this war france lost New France to the British. When taxes began to rise in the colonies and Americans were starting to rebel, French were happy to help since it would be a sort of revenge since losing their colony in North America.
The divine right of kings, divine right, or God's mandate is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from a divine authority, like the monotheist will of God.
Ben Franklin made a political cartoon saying "Join or Die" trying to get the 13 colonies to unite together because they were so divided