Yes, they have.
Glaciers move and when they move, they take with them sediments in their path, causing erosion.
14. John Ruskin said, "I believe the first of a truly great man is his humility".
15. "Put all the trash in the box", my father directed.
16. John's parents are from Las Vegas, Nevada.
I plan to prove that college athletes should be paid to play. This matters because many people going into college play sports and they give up much of their time to do so. The athletes at a college are almost always the first students to arrive and the last to leave the campus. They arrive early to begin training and stay late because of big games. They should be paid because they give up a lot of their time to be at the practices. Some teams practice during class times which can mess up an athlete's academic schedule, others practice late at night when an athlete would want to be doing their homework or hanging out with friends. They should be paid because each win they have they give the college popularity and even perhaps money.
Counter claim: Athletes do not need to be paid because they got a scholarship to come which helps pay for their schooling already.
The correct answer is D. The lack of punctuation. It makes the poem sound as if it were a single, swift, concise, and laconic sentence. It also give the poem a conversational tone, depriving it of artificiality that was a characteristic of the pre-20th-century poetry. Punctuation would fragmentise the poem and induce its flow with pauses.