Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that is created in the brain and when it binds to the adenosine receptors, it slows down nerve activity and it creates a sensation of drowsiness.
<u>Caffeine</u> looks like adenosine to the receptors, therefore, when we have caffeine, <u>it binds to these receptors and there is no room left for the adenosine to bind</u>. However, the caffeine doesn't slow down nerve activity but, in the contrary, it speeds it up.
Therefore we can tell that caffeine blocks the receptors for the adenosine thus promoting wakefulness.
because it could effect the area
Advise that you would not take all those pills together and also you should also use some other healthier kind of energy booster maybe like a protein shake instead of resulting to all of those pills.
The answer to this would be false