The Underground Railroad was a network of people, houses, and roads that led slaves from the South to the North to escape their masters and enjoy freedom in the North and in Canada. Conductors were people who led slaves from one house to another to evade Southern rangers who were looking for their masters' lost slaves.
Based from this information, statements 1 and 4 are characteristics of the Underground Railroad.
Greece is widely considered to be the cradle of Western culture[1] and democracy. Modern democracies owe a debt to Greek beliefs in government by the people, trial by jury, and equality under the law. ... In their pursuit of order and proportion, the Greeks created an ideal of beauty that strongly influenced Western art.
It's A
Not sure but this is a true statement
There are actually two New Deals: the first one launched in 1933. The second, and most aggressive and famous one, launched in 1935
Agustin de Iturbide was a conservative creole in Mexico who overthrew the Spanish viceroy and made Mexico independent, Iturbide wanted to seize power as emperor and avoid liberal reforms from Spain, but many that fought with him for independence wanted liberal reforms.
Father Miguel Hidalgo was a creole priest that wanted revolutionary freedom. He was captured and executed for being the first leader of Mexico’s fight for independence, he defended Mexico’s independence because of the Spanish tyrannical government that made great injustices against the poor of Mexico.
Father Morelos was a mestizo priest wanted a ranging social and political reform, he wanted to improve Mexico’s condition, abolish slavery and give all men the right to vote. He came after the execution of Hidalgo.
We can conclude that Hidalgo and Morelos defended liberty with social reforms for the people of Mexico, but Iturbide wanted to remove Spanish power and wanted it for himself.