The correct answer is C law of demand
Answer:the least accurate is b, which is the public is allowed to submit written proposals to an agency that is drafting new rules.
Option b. Is the least accurate because, only elected selected few, like career officials or just elected officials of an organization that come together to draft theses new rules, which at times discreet and in this way provides administrative functions and handles the everyday governmental paper work.
Answer: The global wind circulation patterns on hypothetical planet with no land (all ocean) and the same size as the earth are as follows.
A. The air on the equator is rising and goes towards the poles which replaces that air.
B. Coriolis effect produced through rotation of Earth. Southern hemisphere pushes air to the left. Northern hemisphere pushes air to the right, equal but opposite. Creates Polar and Hadley cell (interrupting the larger convection cell) High and Low Pressure is created.
C. Tilt of the axis , creates season, creates greater temporal difference in winter, creates bigger storms and bigger waves in the northern Hemisphere. Because of radiation movement of cold air to equator speeds up in the winter because of the greater difference in pressure.