the answer is vicious......and thats without reading the other novel
Edwards is one of the prominent American theologians and a master of puritan revival as commonly regarded by most people. He is described as a devoted leader who had the power that he single handily used to keep the puritan faith strong for more than 20 years.
Edwards had an influential dialect which was wielded with ease and class. Therefore Edwards’s prestigious theologian during his time helped in shaping the religious culture. This is because he had earlier influential form his family.
When you write a paper or a book, it's important to include a bibliography. A bibliography tells your reader what sources you've used. It lists all the books, articles, and other references you cited in or used to inform your work. Bibliographies are typically formatted according to one of three styles: American Psychological Association (APA) for scientific papers, Modern Language Association (MLA) for humanities papers, and Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) for the social sciences. Make sure you always check with your superior - whether a professor or boss - about which style they prefer.
the answer is 4- working with others to stop the slave trade
be clear with your question please or brainly will delete your questions