The big issues in that chocolate you like so much: low prices for farmers, unsustainable practices, child labor. These are still with us.
European governments and legislators urged to help cocoa farmers as prices continue to fall in West Africa: Fairtrade urges EU to implement regulation to recognise the right to living income in cocoa sector in any forthcoming human rights due diligence regulation, as European Cocoa Association calls for an ‘enabling environment’ across the industry.
Can you give a closer picture?
economicly russian goverment has more finiace then china
china also has an over flow of population being the worlds largest populated country in the world
378km, 235miles, 204nm, Northwest
There is actually a couple, so i'll give you all, you can probably just put the first 6
1. Russian
2. German
3. French
4. English
5. Turkish
6. Italian
7. Spanish
8. Ukrainian