The tree levels of sumerian society are Upper class (contained nobles, priests, government officials and warriors), Free man Class (Merchants traders and artisans, and slavery.
I could be wrong, but it could be all of the above. The US was pumping billions of dollars into war-torn countries to recover economically to be able to trade goods, like how they pumped money into Japan and it recovered almost instantly and began to trade goods with the US that continue to this day. Don't forget that the world powers after the war created the UN to promote international peace, alongside other things. Although trying to maintain peace, the Soviet Union is closing itself off from the Western world by infiltrating neighboring countries and overthrowing their government and installing a Soviet communist-style government. Winston Churchill is fearful of this and gives a speech about it in Fulton, Missouri in which he says that Stalin has put up and iron curtain. In response to this, the US enacts a containment policy, to stop the spread of communism.
Americans grew
critical of the war because the Viet Cong were viewed as remaining strong.
The North Vietnamese Army together with the Vietcong launched a massive offensive
on South Vietnam during the holiday of Tet.
Fighting erupted on various fronts including the capital of Saigon. Even the U.S. Embassy breached by the
enemy. Though the Communists were driven
out and suffered massive casualties, American public opinion turned against the
war and it resulted into the withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Vietnam. This led the North to conquer the South
ending in a unified Vietnam under Communist rule for decades.
Nativism gained its name from the "Native American" parties of the 1840s and 1850s. ... Nativists objected primarily to Irish Roman Catholics because of their loyalty to the Pope and also because of their supposed rejection of republicanism as an American ideal.