a virus needs a host to replicate its like fleas they lay eggs on dogs to replicate
The Hardy-Weinberg law states that in a sufficiently large population, in which matings occur randomly and that is not subject to mutation, selection or migration, gene and genotypic free frequencies are kept constant from one generation to another, once a state of equilibrium has been reached, which in autosomal loci is reached after one generation.
It is said that a population is in equilibrium when the alleles of the polymorphic systems maintain their frequency in the population throughout the generations.
chlorine because it has 7 electrons on the outer shell
The order of the planets from closest to the Sun outwards is; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and finally Neptune. The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, followed by Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars with the smallest being Mercury.