Anatomical structure, possible diet, and reproduction evidence.
The term would be leukocytosis and this usually indicates that there is presence of an infection.
Before assessing the two given cases, an assumption needs to be made about the digestion of the two types of food items, corn and beef. Let us assume that both get digested by expending same amount of energy by the human body. Let the amount of energy at producer level be an arbitrary X.
Case 1: Corn to human:
Since corn is at the producer level, it will have X amount of energy. The transfer of energy from corn to human will take place with a loss of 90% energy at the producer level. Hence the humans will receive 10% of X amount of energy.
Case 2: Corn to cow to human:
Since corn has X amount of energy, only 10% will pass to the next level, i.e. cow. So cow has 10% of X. Cow transfers only 10% of the energy that it has. Hence humans receive only 10% of 10% of X amount of energy.
It can be seen that humans receive more energy in case 1 than case 2. Hence we can say that it is more efficient for humans to feed on corn.
Topoisomerases are enzymes that produce changes in the topology of the DNA during replication, transcription, traduction, or reparation processes. They can cut one or both strands and in order to relieve torsional stresses in the supercoiled structure of DNA. With this, they help to maintain the chromosome's integrity. There are two types of topoisomerases: topoisomerase I (it cuts only one strand of DNA) and topoisomerase II (it is able to cut both strands of DNA).