One many global warming is affecting Antarctica.
Because of Dhaka's position below sea level the city experiences yearly flooding, particularly around the monsoon seasons and has the constant threat of rising sea levels, which would of course cause more flooding.
A. The formation of new democracies after the fall of the Soviet Union
Depends how many peanuts to a single elephant
Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that have been preserved for millennia in stones under the Earth's surface. They contain the long chapters of the history of our Earth. Fossils tell us what the earth looked like many millions of years ago, what kind of animals and plants lived on its surface and how it was changing. Fossils show us a history of over a billion years old.
From the fossil from a dry, mountainous area we can conclude that the area was once underwater and over time the soil has risen as result of continental drift and uplift. So, a mountain was once the bottom of a prehistoric ocean or sea.