As the information age continues to grow, more and more people are beginning to rely on the internet when it comes to learning about things, including their own personal health.
There are many pros when it comes to using the internet as a learning tool. One of the most obvious pros is that the information you can learn about something is nearly endless. If you have a question about something, there is a good chance that you'll be able to find an answer online in a matter of minutes. There are many places online where you can go to get reliable information such as your doctor or other professionals who have websites.
On the other hand, there are also some pretty serious cons when it comes to getting information from the internet. For example, when searching for medical information online, you need to be careful about the kind of website you're looking at because there are a lot of places online where you can't trust the information that is being provided. A great deal of these places get their information from other places online and just reword it and pretend like it's their own for their own gain.
To sum everything up, the internet is a tool that can be used for many different purposes, some good and others malicious. In the case of looking up information about your own personal health, it can be very beneficial to use as a learning tool if you know how to tell the difference between reliable and unreliable sources of information.
An author might choose precise words over
vague words because the author could want the
reader to visualize the writing. The reader could
be confused and visualize something else
entirely if the author uses vague words. A good
example is if the writer is writing instructions, hel
she would need to be very specific. Another
example is if the writer is composing a poem, it
would be best if he/she uses precise words of
what they're describing. Ex., Vague: The flower
is pretty. Precise: The pink tulip bloomed
Manjiro's natural curiosity as a natural philosopher had been developed which develop realization that show he has begin to understand the new individuals around, be less afraid,expect the unexpected and not be so harshly judgmental of new experiences
i hope this helps :)
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