I think it's "Reginald only likes grape jelly, and he gets strawberry.
Reginald battles with the other zombies over Abigail's sandwich."
I don't know if there are options to choose from, but I'll explain what happened. Pike was a dog who refused to do his duty one morning, but hid and kept sleeping. So, Spitz, who is the alpha male, the leader dog, punishes Pike. Buck, the dog-hero of the story, tries to interfere and clash with Spitz, but to no avail because Francois, the human leader, whips him. So, Spitz manages to punish Pike for his disobedience.
You would have to compare and contrast what a book or movie of her life would be, therefore that's the answer. You're not exactly choosing a side, from what it's saying, but rather explain the differences and research that.