The three elements of music are rhythm, melody, and harmony
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1. It make me feel quite sad and a little calmer- er because the picture reminds me of an incident where I let go of something and someone I really loved in order to "move on" or "live better"
2. Of course I love it because it make s me feel a lot better about myself that no matter how hard I try it will never come back. It is gone... My teddy bear is gone for ever.
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why do u need help on sucha a siimple thing like girl bye
Greek art influenced roman art the most. The Greek alphabet, Greek architecture, statues and murals.
1.The melodic minor scale has half steps between scale degrees 2-3, and 7-8 when ascending. The melodic minor scale reverts to natural minor when descending. The major scale has half steps between scale degrees 3-4, and 7-8.
2.Harmonic minor scale -- a form of a minor scale with half steps between 2-3, 5-6 and 7-8. Its unique interval is that between 6-7 -- the whole plus half step (or augmented 2nd). It can be thought of as a natural minor scale with a raised 7 scale degree.
3.The harmonic minor scale has half steps between scale degrees 2-3, 5-6, and 7-8. (It is the only one of the three minor scales with a step and a half between scale degrees 6-7.) The melodic minor scale has half steps between scale degrees 2-3, and 7-8 when ascending.