D. Extended kinship networks were strong and important
Slave family ties and marriages were not recognised in American law and the slave owner could sell the slave children, wives, husband and brothers without having any regard to their relationship. The larger plantations had numerous slaves and shifted slaves it split the families.
The sale of slaves used to destroy almost 10 to 20 percent of the slave marriages. Due to death of parents or the sale, more than a third of all slave children's grew up in such households where one or both parents were absent. The slaves could only visit their wives on their owners discretion.
Despite the frequent breakup of the families the slaves had durable and strong family and kinship ties within the custom of slavery.
Most of the slaves married a single women and lives with them until their death. To have a sense of family identity slaves named their children's after kin, deceased relatives, grandparents and parents. They also used to pass down names of their ancestor's owner
A group of soldiers is called an army
They analyzed the work of other historians to draw a conclusion.
1939: Hitler invades Poland. Hitler's invasion of Poland on 1st September 1939 marked the beginning of WW2 in Europe.
1940 (1): Rationing. ...
1940 (2): Blitzkrieg. ...
1940 (3): Churchill Becomes Prime Minister. ...
1940 (4): Evacuation of Dunkirk. ...
1940 (5): Battle of Britain. ...
1941 (1): Operation Barbarossa. ...
1941 (2): The Blitz.
Because they had just helped defeat Britain's longtime rival, France, in the French and Indian War
· because they took pride in their English heritage
· because they enjoyed their rights and freedoms as Englishmen