"Like a bruised, little bird
Too confused to fly,
I'm trapped, in a word,
So confined am I.
A captive, collared lion
Alone in its pen,
I'm pacin' and dyin'
In a manmade den.
For an eagle was not meant
To be locked in a cage,
Its life to be spent
Like a picture on a page."
Hope this helps!
In 'I Dwell in Possibility', by Emily Dckinson, the author compares her vocation as poet to prose, through a metaphor of the two as houses.
She feels poetry as an open and ilimeted house, whereas she sees prose as limeted and enclosed.
She also relates poetry to leaving in freedom in nature and prose to be like living in cage.
The letter "g"
hope it helps!
Los perros llevan collares.
the dogs are wearing collars.