Some topics are general and are regarded as 'classical' because they are always relevant across time periods through being relatable even as time progresses. For example, topics or themes about politics and satire would still prevail until now. Other topics or themes (such as viral videos) are only for that particular event and do not always occur, thus they do not prevail in the long run.
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The quantity theory generally represented by the formula:
Where ;
M, money supply, that is monet in the economy
V, velocity of money, which shows the rate at which money is used to obtain a finished product.
P ; average price level
T ; volume of transactions, good and services transacted in. the economy
The quantity theory explains how variation in the quantity of money in circulation within an economy causes variation in the price level of goods and services.
From the money quantity theory, we can observe a proportional relationship between quantity of money supply and the price level of goods. With more money in circulation, people are able to increase their demand for goods and services. Increase demand drives prices Hence, causing inflation.
Answer:These stages are as: (1) "collection of a sample of learner language, (2) identification of errors, (3) description of errors, and (4) explanation of errors".
more info is needed for this question im sorry
Their analogies saying that some people are a like