It is by interest. You can reduce the amount you pay, by paying more. You can either go ahead and pay it all off, or pay extra when it is time to make a payment.
In my understanding, this assignment wants you to evaluate the decision made by the management officer, in her attempt to improve the business position.
First of all, net profit figure shows the profitability of the business. Net profit figure means the total profit earned minus all the costs incurred in running the business. Higher net profit figure in year 1 might indicate a favourable position, as it could be that higher profit is generated from using whatever method/machine they use in year 1, or running this machine incurred less cost. In year 2, they didn't necessarily earn lower profit, but running the new machine might be more costly.
Next, rate of productivity growth refers to the growth in quantity of output produced. If more output can be produced, this means higher efficiency. This means that the efficiency of production in year 2 is more than in year 1.
Thirdly, the number of customer's complaints is important in evaluating the business' goodwill, in this case, its position in the society. Without good relationship with the public, a company may lose its customer. It is always important to keep clients satisfied since they're the source of income to the business. This means that the management decision in year 2 is more favourable than in year 1.
Last but not least, rate of absenteeism can be evaluated in terms of productivity . Higher absenteeism means lower productivity, lower output but higher cost to the business since they're paying salaries to workers who don't produce output to sell. Less output to sell means less income can be earned. In year 1, the business productivity is higher than in year 2.
In year 2, the business has a boost in their efficiency & reputation. Although less profit earned, it is likely that this will grow in the future. Staff attendance can be improved by encouragement such as giving incentives for example, provision of more holidays.
I hope this is helpful!
Scalability is the ability to increase or decrease resources for any given workload.
- When the resource is increased by the addition of more resources to service a workload, it is known as Scaling Out.
- When the resource is decreased by the reduction of resources to service a reduced workload, it is known as Scaling In.
- When additional capabilities is added to manage an increase in demand to the existing resource , it is referred to as Scaling Up.
- Likewise, when capabilities is reduced to manage a decrease in demand to the existing resource , it is referred to as Scaling Down.
Scaling does not have to be done automatically.
Answer: It says goals can be classified as : futuristic,psychological, or educational (then ) , recreational , occupational, or personal
this is the correct answer
<span>Being expressive to the
audience for a certain essay is vital because it regulates the content that
will give the impression in the writing. The content of an essay that has
a detailed topic will differ depending on the projected audience. Having a fixated
topic is imperative, but having a precise audience is correspondingly significant.</span>