A, B isnt even a theme ......
Answer: Career field means any one of a job series or group of positions considered to have a close occupational relationship and categorized as such by the Department of State Civil Service. A career field shall include a job series, or series of jobs that were created to provide a natural progression.
The word “satire” made its way into the English language in the sixteenth century. In 411 BC, the ancient Greek poet Aristophanes wrote Lysistrata. In this satirical comedy, the protagonist Lysistrata convinces women to withhold sex from men in an effort to convince them to end the Peloponnesian War.
Sanjay, in his suit and tie <u><em>stood out like a sore thumb</em></u>
Anika's hands were <u><em>shaking like leaves</em></u> as she got up to give her presentation.
The finch was <u><em>as busy as a bee</em></u>, building her nest