For the first one The institution of slavery contradicted the foundation of the American society because till this day people of color are still being treated horrendously due to their ancestors and their teachings to the newer generation. Also it contradicted it because Americans had their amendments but it didn’t apply to slaves .
It would be C he wanted to find a way to circumnavigate the world
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Las invasiones británicas del Río de la Plata fueron una serie de intentos fallidos británicos en la actual Argentina y Uruguay de tomar posesión de áreas en el Virreinato colonial español del Río de la Plata que estaban situadas alrededor del Río de la Plata en América del Sur. Como parte de las Guerras Napoleónicas, entre 1806 y 1807, las invasiones tuvieron lugar cuando España era aliada de la Francia napoleónica.
Greek literature was an interesting spoken language. Greek literature was divided into distinct periods , Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic. Some things about Archaic was it was an earliest texts until the time of the Byzantine Empire. During the Archaic period, the poets' works were spoken - an outcome of an oral tradition - delivered at festivals. A product of Greece's Dark Ages, Homer's epic the Iliad centered on the last days of the Trojan War, a war initiated by the love of a beautiful women. Some things about classical literature was oral recitation of poetry, as well as lyric poetry, morphed into drama. The purpose of drama was to not only entertain but also to educate the Greek citizen, to explore a problem. Plays were performed in outdoor theaters and were usually part of a religious festival. Along with a chorus of singers to explain the action, there were actors, often three, who wore masks. Of the known Greek tragedians. Last but not least Hellenistic period , The Hellenistic period produced its share of poets, prose writers, and historians. Among them were Callimachus, his student Theocritus, Apollonius Rhodius, and the highly respected historian Plutarch. Unfortunately, like the previous eras, much of what was written remains only in fragments or quoted in the works of others. The poet Callimachus (310 – 240 BCE) was originally from Cyrene but migrated to Egypt and spent most of his life in Alexandria, serving as a librarian under both Ptolemy II and III. Of his over 800 books, 6 hymns, and 60 epigrams, only fragments remain. These were all important and interesting because not only they were interesting yet those were how people talked , sang , and poet ways to show talent and to show peace because it made people happy that they sang and made up poets and show how they talked throughout them periods. That sums up all how the Greek literature was very interesting and important