Communication was very important because back than they didn't have phones and T.V.s so they had to let people know of the danger soon
There were 3 presidential candidates in the election of 1880. These were James Garfield (eventual winner, Republican), Winfield Hancock (Democrat), and James Weaver (3rd party)
Internal process
The ending of the Ming voyages a result of "internal processes."
The above statement is true because the Ming voyages which were stopped in 1433 were as a result of internal processes, some of which were:
1. Following the death of the Yongle Emperor, his son, Hongxi Emperor, was more of a Confucianist and considered the voyages unnecessary
2. The Ming voyages are considered to be costing the country China a lot of money. Hence they felt it needs to be stopped.
3. The need to secure their borders against the raiders from Mongols and the West.