Consumer prices in the United States are a 106.2% higher in Mexico. Consumers prices including rent in the United States is also much higher than it is in Mexico. Ram prices in the United States are more than 270% higher than the are in Mexico. Restaurant prices in the United States are a 126% higher than in Mexico. Grocery prices in the United States are over a 100% higher than in Mexico.
The planes carried bombs that exploded when the pilots crashed into targets.
They were part of Japanese Special Attacks Units from the military aviators. The attacks consisted of missions against Allied naval vessels to destroy more effectively the warships than with conventional air attacks. In order to achieve this, the pilots converted their planes into a flying bomb and crashed themselves into the ships.
I hope this answer helps you.
Appointing a cabinet, and serving for 2 years were his main precedents.
Hunter-gatherers were prehistoric nomadic groups that harnessed the use of fire, developed intricate knowledge of plant life and refined technology for hunting and domestic purposes as they spread from Africa to Asia, Europe and beyond.