The grocer didn't notice the thieves enter until it was too late.
If you were playing the piano how did the vase get broken.
The police force still had no idea how they were going to enter the strange cottage without being seen.
"Frankenstein" is a Gothic novel written by Mary Shelley. The novel is about Victor Frankenstein and the creature he created in his laboratory.
In chapter 15, of the novel, when the monster decided to approach De Lacey, a blind man, to convince him of his gentle nature he was drived out by Felix when they returned to the cottage.
<u>Felix was afraid of the horrific appearance of the monster thus driving him out of the cottage. This rejection of him by De Lacey, furthers his anger towards mankind, especially his creator, Victor. After being rejected by De Lacey family, the monster vowed to revenge his creator, and he became bitter towards mankind</u>.
Thus the correct answer is option D.
It’s D a quote from someone who has volunteered
The seasons symbolise the passage of time with winter representing past sufferings and spring the present happiness. Another way to interpret the symbolism behind the seasons is to associate them with rewards and punishments. Spring might represent the rewards one gets for acting kind, such as a state of bliss and inner satisfaction.
I think this will help with your problems
<span><span>William Shakespeare Full and Short Biography - Life History and Biography of the Great Bard of Stratford - Elizabethan Playwright and Actor</span>Childhood of William Shakespeare - Early years of the great Bard's life in Elizabethan Stratford<span>Education of William Shakespeare - Biography includes the Petty school and King Edward VI Grammar School - The Tudor alphabet</span>Life in Elizabethan Stratford - Entertainment, Acting troupes, & family ties<span>William Shakespeare Biography - The Lost Years from leaving school to marrying Anne Hathaway</span><span>William Shakespeare Biography - The Lost Years 1585 - 1592 between William Shakespeare marriage to Anne Hathaway and the London Theatre</span></span>
<span><span>The Facts - the Documented Facts about William Shakespeare
</span><span>Confusion regarding Shakespeare's name is explained. The facts detailed about William Shakespeare are taken from written evidence available from the Elizabethan era. The written evidence includes details of all of the known facts taken from official records and there is also a section relating to William Shakespeare's last will and testament. </span><span>The known facts about William Shakespeare, the Great Stratford Bard, have all been included in his biography and the William Shakespeare Timeline. The main source of the William Shakespeare facts are official documents that are still available for inspection. These documents include all of the facts available relating to legal documents. Other facts have been gleaned from another legal document, Last Will and Testament of William Shakespeare. Church records, including those at Stratford, detail major facts and occurrences such as baptism, marriage and death associated with William Shakespeare. A final definitive resource for known facts about William Shakespeare can be found in the numerous William Shakespeare Timeline categories that have been collated. William Shakespeare quotes and facts ascertained from his fellow actors and playwrights from the Elizabethan era.</span></span>
<span>Facts - Interesting Facts about the Life and Times of the bard of Stratford, Actor and PlaywrightThe Last Will and Testament of William Shakespeare - Second best bed left to his wife and gifts to fellow actors</span>
<span><span>More Facts ! - William Shakespeare Timelines
</span><span>The comprehensive William Shakespeare Timelines allows a correlation between William Shakespeare and his biography and the important historical events & people who shared his World. The timelines cover his mother and father, his wife (Anne Hathaway), his children (Judith, Susanna and Hamnet) his grandchildren (from Judith's marriage to Richard Quiney) and the major people and events of the Elizabethan era.</span></span>
<span><span>Family Timeline - Time lines for all family of William Shakespeare - timelines for ancestors, parents, siblings and children</span><span><span>Elizabethan Timeline 1531 to 1592 - William Shakespeare Time line with key dates and events of the era </span> </span><span>Elizabethan / Stuart Timeline 1593 to 1646 - William Shakespeare Time line with key dates and events of the era</span></span>