One day, two girls had a sleepover. They were having fun, but when it hit 1 in the morning, they heard screaming. "The screaming was coming from the attic!" the one girl called out, the other stood there in fear. The two girls, curious of the noise, headed out of the bedroom they were in and into the hallway. The two girls reached the attic, and they suddenly heard banging on the front door. The girls ran back to the bedroom and was traumatized from what had been happening. They stayed there until morning, hiding under the girls bed. Morning came and they told the girls parents. The one who was sleeping over had left, and now the parents explain to their daughter that it was a nightmare, but it wasn't. Two days later and some random guy was found sneaking into peoples homes and dragging in hostages with him, the girl was terrified, but shes safe.. For now.
I home this is good enough ;-; I'm not the best so-
A tapering structure hanging like an icicle from the roof of a cave, formed of calcium salts deposited by dripping water.
D. Reflect about your participation in the group
Reflecting is important specifically after you have discussed. Think about what has been said and summarize. It is very helpful and helps to fulfill the whole point of the actual discussion! -To take away from it.
the book there is a part where Odysseus makes it back to his homeland
where he meets with the goddess Athene. She herself was disguised as
a young shepherd to approach him and then reveals to him her true
identity. She then disguises Odysseus to take back his home.
tells Odysseus she will disguise him as a beggar, because she is the
master of disguises and no one likes to look too closely at beggars
transforms him into an old man as a disguise. Clad in a filthy tunic,
he goes off to find his faithful swineherd, as instructed by the
hope it helps, Regards.</span>