You would use vous, since M. Bernard means Mr. Bernard, and is formal. Generally if you're addressing someone as "Mme." "M." or "Mlle.", it's formal.
Write the definite article you would use with the following noun: tableau
- le tableau (masculin/singulier)
- les tableaux (masculin/pluriel)
Write the indefinite article you would use with the following noun: classe
- la classe (féminin/singulier)
Write the plural form of the following noun. Be sure to write the correct plural article as well.
- le bureau (masculin/singulier)
- les bureaux (masculin/pluriel)
L’article défini : le - la - les
Answer: I redo my suitcase.
Explanation: Hope that helped
1. Rentre
2. Restes
3. Arrivons
4. Vont (alle)
Im pretty sure this is correct
Bonjour !
<em>Quand j'avais 10 ans, mes parents me </em>donnaient <em>cinq dollars d'argent de poche chaque semaine.</em>
donnaient (imparfait)
Verbe "donner" à l'imparfait
<em>je donnais</em>
<em>tu donnais</em>
<em>il,elle, on donnait</em>
<em>nous donnions</em>
<em>vous donniez</em>
ils,<em>elles </em>donnaient (mes parents = ils)