2. Choisir can be conjugated as a special -IR verb. Because of the article vous, we know that the ending of the word will be -ez. As shown through all -IR verbs, the ending of this word specifically would be -issez. Combined with the root of the word, chois, you would get the word choisissez.
3. Finir can be conjugated as a normal -IR verb. Because of the article nous, we know that the ending of the word will be -ons. As shown through all -IR verbs, the ending of this word specifically would be -issons. Combined with the root of the word, fin, you would get the word finissons.
I hope this helps! Bonne chance!
Bonjour !
<em />
<em>J'ai mal aux dents. (aller / dentiste)</em>
Va chez le dentiste !
<em />
<em>Je n'arrive pas à garder la ligne. (faire / exercice tous les jours)</em>
Fais de l'exercice tous les jours !
<em />
<em>Ah, j'ai mal au bras aujourd'hui. (prendre / aspirines)</em>
Prends de l'aspirine !
<em>J'ai mal au cœur quand je mange vite. (manger / plus lentement)</em>
Mange plus lentement !
<em />
<em>Je me suis cassé la jambe. (aller / urgences)</em>
Va aux urgences !
<em>Nous achetons de l'aspirine à "la pharmacie".</em>
<em>Evelyne est triste. Elle est "déprimée".</em>
Luc a 5 frère
So the verb avoir (to have)
J’ai (l have)
Tu as (you have)
Il/elle/on a (he/she/it has)
Nous avons (we have)
Vous avez (you have )
Ils ont (they have)
If you need more information text me
Le château qui a inspiré l'histoire de Charles Perault "La Belle au bois dormant" s'appelle: Ussé </span>