Bartolome De Las Casas expected the Spaniards to convert the native population to Christianity through civil means. Instead, they forced conversion on these people and used violence if individuals resisted this change in religion. De Las Casas was appauled by the efforts of the Spanish and described the brutal treatment that Spanish conquerors used against Native American populations. He recorded his observations in his book <em>The Destruction of the Indies. </em>This would become one of the most famous books about Spanish colonization during the 16th century.
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson was born at the Carolinas in the year of 1767 in a Scottish Irish family. He has served the United States in more than one way. Started his carrier as a lawyer later he turned to a rich slave-owning planter. He won the battle of Horseshoe band while leading the Tennessee militia during the Creek wars. His victory at the Battle of New Orleans against the Britishers won him national fame. His stand for democracy and the common man earned him applause and removal of native tribes became his staunch critique.
Commercial fishing provides jobs and a domestic food source to Americans.
Answer:El presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos es el titular del poder ejecutivo de dicho país. Es, a la vez, jefe de Estado y jefe de gobierno.23 Asimismo, es el comandante supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas.45
Es elegido mediante voto directo y universal. Una vez electo, entra en funciones el 1º de diciembre del año de la elección.n. 1 Su cargo dura un periodo de seis años, sin posibilidad de reelección;6ni siquiera en el caso de haberlo desempeñado como interino, provisional o sustituto. El cargo de presidente de la República solo es renunciable por causa grave, que deberá ser calificada por el Congreso de la Unión.78 En caso de muerte, destitución o renuncia, asume de manera inmediata y provisional el cargo el Secretario de Gobernación (si la ausencia es el día de la toma de posesión, sería el presidente del Senado, el mandatario provisional), después, con las reservas que contempla la constitución, corresponde al Congreso nombrar un sustituto o interino.
El cargo existe desde su inclusión en la Constitución de 1824, siendo su primer titular Guadalupe Victoria desde el 10 de octubre de aquel año. En suma 65 individuos ocuparon en 106 periodos distintos la presidencia de la república, ya fuera de manera constitucional, provisional, interina, sustituta o incluso de facto; estos números causados en gran medida por la constante inestabilidad vivida por el país en su primer siglo de vida independiente. De tal manera, que en esa primer centuria, solo cuatro mandatarios concluyeron el periodo constitucional para el que fueron elegidos.9
1- The United States Congress declared war on May 13, 1846. Americans from northern states and whigs (Republicans) generally opposed the war, while southern slavers and Democrats supported it.
The elements of anti-slavery in the north feared the expansion of the power of the slavers. The Whigs, in general, were interested in being able to strengthen the US economy through industrialization, not in acquiring more territory. Among the most strongly opponents in the House of Representatives was John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts. Adams for the first time made known his concern to expand the US territory in 1836 when he opposed the annexation of Texas. He continued with his arguments until 1846 for the same reason that the acquisition of territory in the south of the country would add territory to the slave states.
2- Both the agricultural sector and the textile industry were the main income producers of the state of South Carolina.
The predominance of the primary sector and the basic industry was the common denominator of the southern United States, whose economic development depended on a large percentage of African slaves, because it took a large amount of labor to develop these activities.
3- In 1860, the abolitionist Republican Abraham Lincoln won in the presidential elections of that year. South Carolina, fearing that Lincoln would definitively abolish slavery in the country, decided to separate from the United States. The state did so on December 20 of that year, being the first US state to separate itself from the rest of the country. Subsequently, ten other states would also be separated from the United States, and immediately joined to form the Confederate States of America.