"Ick!" Victoria groaned while shoving the empty measuring cup into her mother's hands. "That was the worst taste ever! I hate that medicine!" yelled Victoria. Her mother just rolled her eyes and continued to put the medicine away and wash the cup. Victoria had stayed home from school that day, so her mother took her to the doctor. She was told her daughter had a cold. "Go lay down and rest, darling." said Victoria's mother. "NO!!! I think I'm gonna die and its your fault mom!" yelled dramaticly by Victoria. Her mother rolled her eyes and tucked her in on the couch. Victoria fell asleep soon after, and her mother finally got some quiet time. She was dreading tomorrow when Victoria would bring home schoolwork she missed, and demand her mothers help. She sighed and said, "Tomorrows going to be a long, long day."
In "if" the title of Kipling's poem is an example of repetition because that same word is repeated throughout the poem. Repetition is when a word or phrase is repeated several times throughout the same text.
Everything is better!
You can:
Smile and shout!
No need to pout!
Cry in shock!
Beat the clock!
Yelp in pain if you get a knock!
You can
Yell out loud - oh glee, oh glory!
Tell a really exciting story!
Shout out loud “Stop! Go! Wait!”
When you live life with an ‘Exclamation point’
Everything is better!