The orange and brown leaves rustled as the bird soared passed them.
The answer to this question is The first on the page the very top one
When it is said that a person's upbringing is determined by nature, it means that the upbringing or training of a person/child is pre-determined by his genes and natural inclinations.
Ocassionally, nurture plays a huge part too in a person's upbringing as it is as important as nature if not more important.
This is because, if a child inherits quick temper from his parents, he is always at risk of easily losing his temper on someone or something. However, nurture can also help curtail that if there is an enabling environment where it is not allowed to thrive.
When people put their money in the bank to save it other people can borrow that money. As they pay it back you won't loose money and the bank will earn in interest. So as long as people are putting their money into the bank others will be able to borrow when tight on money. This is similar to herd immunity because as long as a greater number are doing it the minority that can't will be protected.
The search for natural rock arches
this essay is about the narrator's rock arch hunting. The narrator enjoys looking for the rock arches because they are rare and don't seem physically possible.