I can help how much time do you have?
2) Built
3) wrote.... expired
4) Saul has ridden his motorcycle to class every morning this year
5) Has won
6) meets
7) lost.... applied
8) is... has
9) Has overheated
10) Dwight is a veterinarian who treats mostly farm animals
Romeo’s heartache will be healed by going to the party.
Romeo’s heartache will go away if he meets another girl.
Romeo’s heartache will lessen as he gets older.
Romeo’s heartache will be healed by a potion.
Stress can affect you and your thoughts. There are many different types of stress, and sometimes your thoughts take it way too far. So, my advice is: Take a break every once in a while, listen to music that makes you happy, try watching some happy videos, or even try to write down your feelings in a journal.
1. Emotionally stressed, I felt like I was done for. I felt like no supported me. I was breaking myself apart. I felt like no one was there for me.
2. I think about things very differently than usual. I feel like the world wants to see me suffer. I yelled at my family/friends a few times, causing them to call me dramatic.
3. I calm myself down, because I know something bad will happen if I'm stressed. I just listen to calming music. Take a breaks, and think about goods things.
<u>Hopefully this helps! Your beautiful and you are loved! </u>