One movie director portrays Hercules as having superhumanstrength due to a magical spell, while another director portrays his strength coming from hard work and training APEX
Grendel wages war, that is terrorizes Heorot and its inhabitants, because he is a carnivorous, devilish creature that is committed to disturbing the king's peace and prosperity of the realm. The Dragon, on the other hand, wages war simply because a slave stole a cup from the treasure he had guarded for ages. So, his motivation is retribution. Grendel is a subverted human, the descendant of Cain, so he challenges the king and his subjects. The Dragon is something less particular, a kind of irrational force that subverts the order itself. He strikes Beowulf's kingdom. The clash of the two of them will end with both being dead, and the conflict unresolved.
One (internal) is from your thoughts or the characters thoughts and the other one (external) is from what is actually happening to or around the character.
Hi there!☺
The answer is the third option, "Zap".