(D) deliberate
The act of not doing somethingi is called deliberate indifference since someone becomes damaged. It is the omissions of acts for the purpose of causing harm with knowledge . When applying to law systems, many judges apply the deliberate indifference standart to judge if a professional has damaged an inmate's civil rights.
<em>For example, if someone is being in a hospital, and the doctors , staff working there knowingly refuse to answer to someone's safety complaints, removing or giving medical attention may be considered indifference.</em>
<em>This is more usually often subject of law in jail with guards, and other instances like mental health hospitals where the staff rowking can ignore risks deliberately and for omitting consciously safety concerns.</em>
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Network analysis has the benefit over interpretive sociology reveal patterns in social structures where responses to direct questions may not become apparent.
Network analysis has the benefit over interpretive sociology reveal patterns in social structures where responses to direct questions may not become apparent.
Social network analysis (SNA) is the method of using channels and graph analysis to analyze social structures. It describes networked systems in terms of the node (individual entities, people, or objects within the network) and the connecting points, edges, or ties or interactions).
The correct answer would be Embodied Ethnocentrism. Our sense of familiarity and comfort within our own culture is known as Embodied Ethnocentrism.
When a person feels close association, ease and comfort within his own cultures, this is called as Embodied Ethnocentrism.
For example when a person wears his traditional cultural dresses in his culture and sees other wearing the same type of dresses, he feels comfortable in his attire, whereas if he is in another culture and is wearing his traditional dress and sees others wearing their traditional dresses, he would surely feel discomfort. So this feeling of being familiar and at ease is called as the embodied ethnocentrism.
pretty sure its land disputes
Correct Answer:
A. All of these all correct
Megalopolis also called a city cluster is a group of two or more roughly adjacent metropolitan areas, which may be somewhat separated or may merge into a continuous urban region. <em>For example, the North- East Magalopolis in U.S.A is a region which contained over 50 million people, about 17% of the U.S. population on less than 2% of the nation's land area.</em>