<span>The upper AMDR limit for protein consumption is 35% of total energy intake. In other words, if you consume 2500 kcalories throughout the day, then at most 35 percent of those calories must come from proteins such as meats, beans, seafood, and eggs. We have that 35 percent of 2500 kcalories is 875, so the upper limit on how much protein this person should consume is 875 kcalories.</span>
You can put wind energy propellers on the front of your car. This would be effective, as the high speed of the car would increase the rate of energy produced.
You could also have a metal rod slightly scraping the ground, and take the heat generated by friction to produce energy.
Hope this helps!
It’s 30 miles away. multiply the reciprocal number so it’s 39
Los virus son más pequeños y no son células. A diferencia de las bacterias, necesitan un huésped como un humano o un animal para multiplicarse.
Las bacterias son organismos vivos unicelulares. Tienen una pared celular y todos los componentes necesarios para sobrevivir y reproducirse.
Los virus no se consideran "vivos" porque requieren una célula huésped para sobrevivir a largo plazo, para obtener energía y para reproducirse.
i think its a computer because copmuter is a multiy task machine that can solve our many problem
there alot of discoveries of science thst can solve our problem