O Administrative contract é that signed between a public administração or private, com a purpose of regulating Consecução de ações that apresentem objectives of public interest NAS conditions Estabelecidas pela autodidata Administração. Nesse type of Contratação
a) Él toma el café.
b) Tú comes la tostada y la mantequilla.
c) Señora Machado, usted comparte las papas.
d) Yo preparo la pizza.
"Toma" implies the third singular person.
"Comes" implies the second singular person.
"comparte" implies the third singular person (even though it refers to a second singular person).
"preparo" implies the first singular person.
Don't forget to write the pronouns with their diacritics/accents.
Native speaker over here.
2. prueba
3. lapiz?
caja means cashier
probarse conjugated to prueba (to try on)
The answer is <span>D). charlo</span>