The major effect of the teapot dome scandal was that many people in the United States lost their trust in the US government, since for the first time ever a Cabinet member was convicted of accepting bribes.
In "The Petition of William Cobbett" in volume 33 of his political register, the author clearly refers to King James as "The Oppressor", who has raised money on arbitrary means and is not administering in a way it benefits the citizens of the kingdom. It is mentioned that King James raised the money in order to fund affairs regarding "army, navy and civil listing".
It was "C Presidents Lincoln and Johnson" who wanted Reconstruction policy to be the most forgiving of the former Confederate states, since they wanted the nation to heal as quickly as possible.
Answer: (1738-1820) the longest reigning monarch in British history, ruling at a time when Britain and France struggled to dominate Europe; he shared the blame for the loss of Britain's colonies
am so sorry
please forgive me am sorry