One of the causes of women's issues is the myth that women are biologically inferior to men. This myth has led to years and years of oppression from men to women: not letting women vote, having to stay home and therefore not letting women work, and also men believing they can do whatever they want with women just because they are "better".
Steinem explains how women survived specific tragedies better than men and how women live longer than men, which proves women aren't inferior. However, she doesn't want to repeat what men did: <em>"I don't want to prove the superiority of one sex to another. That would only be repeating a male mistake."
To complete this exercise, you have to <u>read Gloria Steinem's testimony</u> before the Senate hearings on the Equal Rights Amendment in 1970. In her testimony, she explains the myths that led to the oppression of women and she also relates it with the oppression of black people, and specifically black women.
Has a tragic flaw
Every tragic hero must have a tragic flaw. In classic literature, this was typically their pride. While pride could be a good thing, excessive pride proves to be fatal to their character
Macbeth's tragic flaw was greediness for power. The witches knew his weakness and they used it against him. Power thirst led him to his downfall. He wanted power and was too greedy to acquire it legitimately, rather he was consumed by a fit of greed to have it all and it ruined him
the boys were just as glued to their seats